Call for early access to Plasmic CMS

@multiple_vole would love to try it out too! team ID uHtwSfjAV7SrvqqQZtRrgR
We’re currently evaluating options for our website and this is a must-have for us, so excited to see it here!


I just started with Plasmic - it’s so great! Would love to test the CMS and have the whole setup on Plasmic. My ID: iCVFD8yN3zPwV5edpyu4S4

Hi, please put me in



@multiple_vole c5jq6gVo2Bu84Hr8NrZacd - thanks!

Hey @multiple_vole, g1Yh8cTMu6gvMUJ4x3F2pW Thanks!

What is the difference of this early access cms, and the “plasmic as cms” that is mentioned in the docs (like here

@tricky_marmoset Both the page builder and the structured database are ways companies manage content on their website! The terminology is confusing though - usually CMS makes folks think of a structured database - so we’ll be cleaning up our docs to make this a bit clearer.

@multiple_vole :+1: