Changing some slot styles don't propogate to the children

What are you trying to do? Change styles of a compenent that has text that is slotted in. Particularly, the weight of the text. I am able to change color and alignment, etc; but not the weight.

What are the reproduction steps? See video

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Hi, this is happening because of default styles, the referenced project uses the default styles of the project Theme which specifies that h3 tags should have weight Bold, so in this case, the slot settings has less precedence and the default styles are applied.

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Ok, I get that; but as a user; how am I supposed to know that the component is using an h3 tag. Also; it kind of doesn’t make sense to me since the default style also has text size but they don’t seem to take precedence; so it seems arbitrary that the weight takes the theme precedence when the other attributes dont.

I see, the previous answer was wrong, I misunderstood the issue and there is no h3 being updated by you in the video, but the Aria Heading is the one that it is one, which makes the styles to behave flaky as the h3 from Aria Heading is using browser default styles and not inheritance. Please link the project correctly, so that we can investigate further this issue.

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