"Error with deriveRenderOpts in standalone Nextjs app"

ya, thats kind of what I’ve been thinking too; for the 1% that whatever is built in Plasmic is going to be a hell of a lot better than just a Figma file; so even if those folks use it as a Design Doc and then use their own libraries; then that is still a huge win

As for stats we have experienced here, that maybe useful to you @alyssa_feola:

  1. Referring to code(ChakraUI) based designs in Plasmic is 50% faster than design is Figma
  2. Delivering all FED code via codegen in a new Nextjs App 1hr max.

thanks so much! that is wicked helpful!

I was thinking about stats after the convo yesterday but didn’t want to belabor it too much;

I was curious with export being a one time thing; that once you did the necessary refactoring (which sounds tedious) to fix all of the errors; if there is a path that it can be the baseline and then all the changes after it will be less cumbersome.

Where my mind goes is the more layers you have as templates and standardize and you get to the point where you are mostly changing the top level stuff from the stack; the less of a painpoint having ripped out Plasmic will be for most changes

Glad the stats help.

Not sure if this helps as well…
Once we at a point to handover design then its pretty solid with only design refinements needed a few observations:

  1. Traditionally, there are MANY differences between Figma Design and Delivery
  2. Having code based designs in Plasmic, means there will minimal refinements in Delivery.
  3. But any refinements in delivery code, can be easily updated in Plasmic, while updates to the Figma file will be hard to keep in sync, so often it’s not
  4. If the design is not the source of truth, you are in a world of pain ( siloed departments / tonnes of comms / bad culture).

Ya, what I am finding as a lapsed techie; I am able to actually build and develop an App using Plasmic whereas it has been impossible for me in Figma because I’m able to think in data structures and functionality; so I’m designing as I’m going with what feels intuitive for the needs of the App so that I can accomplish the goals of what I know I want the App to do … but I don’t know enough development to make sure that what I’m putting together is actually the most efficient (for performance) and resilient (for security) way to go about … but at least I should be able to give it to a team and say “this is what I want” and then they can handle what I can’t form what I’ve done