How to access/override elements within components?

Could someone explain to me how I could access elements of components within another component (that aren’t slots) in Codegen?

Hi Johannes! You can do it with overrides:

Namely you just need to add a name for the elements, for example, arrows for the Arrows component instance (in the Section component), and left and right for the arrow images (in the Arrows component).

Then you can do something like:

<PlasmicSection arrows={{
  left: { /* overrides */ }
  right: { /* overrides */ }
}} />

thanks :slightly_smiling_face: was able to make it work:

    left: {onClick: handleLeftArrowClick},
    right: {onClick: handleRightArrowClick},
    leftHidden: leftHidden.current,
    rightHidden: rightHidden.current