How to place grid cell across entire grid?

Hey guys, I’m can’t seem to find a way to place content in a grid element. Am I missing something? Basically I want to align a single item of a grid on the right side like this:

Hi @experimental_wombat! For now we have those layout controls for stacks, would it work for your use case?


Ah yes ok, well actually it doesn’t fit exactly my usecase, because I want to define the number of columns of my grid, so that the element I’m trying to position has the same width as the columns of the grid element that comes just under.

It’s not a big deal however, I’ll just do it manually in my code, that’s the beauty of plasmic :wink:

But yeah maybe that could be a nice feature, to have more control over the grid element, like define tracks, span etc like we can do in css

And thanks a lot for your answer!

got it! thanks for you feedback, we’re looking into better controls for grid :slightly_smiling_face:

one work-around for now could be to add empty elements (e.g., a few empty boxes with width and height 0px) to fill the first columns and push the item to the last column :sweat_smile: