How to remove the "Made in Plasmic" button on Plasmic hosting?

is there anyway to remove the “Made in Plasmic” button without moving hosting off of Plasmic? I saw we can remove it by creating a NextJS app

Hi @accurate_rhinoceros, yes we plan to add this in the coming weeks

ah ok I guess I’ll wait then

Prefer not to deal with hosting on static sites

@yang do you know the eta on removing the branding?

@accurate_rhinoceros it should be there already! We just haven’t yet announced it :slightly_smiling_face:

do you have a screenshot? I couldn’t find it in the studio @yang

Do you see it when you go to configure the domain for your plasmic hosted website, within the Publish modal?

I unchecked it and published it but it’s still showing on both sites I tried it on @yang

I unchecked it and published it but it’s still showing on both sites I tried it on @yang

I unchecked it and published it but it’s still showing on both sites I tried it on @yang