Lack of Auth-API documentation with Supabase

btw, noticed some of the files in the repo give me a 404

potential access issue?

Which files ?

all three from first three bullet points (,[[...catchall]].tsx,

can only read plasmic-init

Guessing I’ll wait with cloning until access is fixed

oh I found the issue. the links in the documentation/ are wrong

the files themselves seem to have correct access

Oooh, I see, it works locally, but doesn’t work in github navigation, I will look into fixing it

Also, recommend adding a step one to the documentation to tell the user to use git clone --depth 1 --branch master <> --filter=blob:none examples/supabase-auth-nextjs-pages-loader instead of git clone <> as step one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I got stuck on this for a bit, figured it out with some help from gpt4

hm actually that didn’t work, still cloned everything

will just delete the other folders manually for now :man-shrugging:

PLASMIC_AUTH_SECRET=your-plasmic-auth-secret - this is the equivalent of my plasmic custom auth token, correct?


Ok, so it’s added both in plasmic-init.ts and .env.local. then

No, the plasmic-init is a different thing from the auth secret, the auth secret is a private token while the token in plasmic-init is a public one

I don’t think we have a in-depth description of it, but you can read a bit about it in

Yep just found it too while reading plasmic docs, thanks - this was well documented

Configured all the files - when trying to run the development server I get this. I’m wondering if it has to do with it not finding @plasmicapp/loader-nextjs