Nuxt complains PlasmicComponent not wrapped in PlasmicRootProvider

Hey everyone, I’m trying to use Plasmic with Nuxt, and I’m continually getting the errror “ should be wrapped inside a ” even though it certainly is:

  <PlasmicRootProvider :loader="PLASMIC" :prefetchedData="this.plasmicData">
    <h1>Does this work?</h1>
    <PlasmicComponent component="Home" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import { PlasmicRootProvider, PlasmicComponent } from "@plasmicapp/loader-vue";
import { PLASMIC } from "../plasmic-init";

I’ve tried this, as well as this

  <PlasmicRootProvider :loader="this.loader" :prefetchedData="this.plasmicData">
    <h1>Does this work?</h1>
    <PlasmicComponent component="Home" />

<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import { PlasmicRootProvider, PlasmicComponent } from '@plasmicapp/loader-vue'
import { PLASMIC } from '../plasmic-init'

export default Vue.extend({
  components: {
  computed: {
    loader() {
      return PLASMIC
  async asyncData() {
    const plasmicData = await PLASMIC.fetchComponentData(`Home`)
    return {

the second one is the exact copy of the example from Plasmic, any ideas?

@fmota do you have ideas on this one?

@fmota or @yang any thoughts you have would be hugely appreciated, I’d really like to use Plasmic for a project but it’s got a tight deadline :flushed:

Hi @unwilling_whippet could you provide the versions of vue and nuxt that you are using ? I was able to reproduce the error that you are facing with vue=2.6.14 and nuxt=2.15.8 , but when migrating to Nuxt Bridge and mantaining vue=2.6.14 , definitely it seems to be a compatibility bug that the @plasmicapp/loader-vue is having, I will be looking into it, I don’t know much about Nuxt Bridge stability and if it could suits your usage