Plasmic Studio throwing errors loading project, all components gone

Plasmic studio prompted me to update a few moments ago. After updating it the app threw this error and now the components i built in the studio seem to be gone.

I’m getting the same error

I posted my console logs in a post on help channel… same issue

We’re deploying a fix right now, sorry about it!

Fix should be deployed now

It seems the error message is now gone. But our tokens and previously made components seem to still be gone.

@illegal_panda we’ve restored your project so they should be back. We’re digging into what happened

Thank you. I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly.That are back now. If it was an error on my end please let me know so i can not make the same mistake again.

hey I seem to have had the same problem, and like Christopher, we seem to have also lost many of our previous pages and components

What’s your project ID?


thanks! We’re looking for all affected projects and will be correcting the issue for them

thank you!

should be restored now; thanks! @generous_puffin

thank you so much :slightly_smiling_face: