Running plasmic sync throws CssSyntaxError

When starting a new Plasmic project, and running plasmic sync -p [projectID]for nextjs/typescript/codegen, I’m running into this error:

plasmic sync -p projectIDObfuscated
'FlowerShop' uses 'plasmic-embed-css', which has never been synced before. We will also sync 'plasmic-embed-css'@3.8.0.
'FlowerShop' uses 'plasmic-basic-components', which has never been synced before. We will also sync 'plasmic-basic-components'@3.10.0.
'FlowerShop' uses 'antd', which has never been synced before. We will also sync 'antd'@2.12.1.
'FlowerShop' uses 'plasmic-nav', which has never been synced before. We will also sync 'plasmic-nav'@0.8.0.
'FlowerShop has never been synced before. Syncing...'
Syncing component: PlasmicGlobalContextsProvider@3.8.0  ['plasmic-embed-css' 8PtdGodUbexNYgkuyBUcWu 3.8.0]

Plasmic error: CssSyntaxError: Unknown word (238:5)
  236 | .__wab_expr_html_text { white-space: normal; }
  237 |       .root_reset {
> 238 |     undefined
      |     ^
  239 |   }
  240 |       undefined
  241 |     

FYI - I’m also getting the same error on a different project.

Hey @parliamentary_trout. Can you DM me your project ID?

Sent! Thank you