Stuck on subscribing to Plasmic changes

trying to render a single page to a new plasmic project and it’s stuck on

blog:dev: Subscribing to Plasmic changes...

could you DM me the project ID?

Deleted the contentful package and it’s working now

but theres hydration issues :cry:

yeah the issue seemed to go away once I remove the contentful package, and I assume the hydration issue will resolve itself once I update the host to point to the blog

And it looks like it’s stuck again… :laughing:

Still timing out with the same message, no errors so this has been difficult to debug

It’s fetching it properly on the ssr but it times out when it’s mounted

hmm you mean it times out when doing a fetch in the browser?

it’s hard to explain, I can hop on a huddle and show if you’re available

yeah sure