"TypeError: Failed to fetch" where artboards are loading but white

Seeing the “unexpected error: TypeError: Failed to fetch” where the artboards are loading but are white. - project ID: g8tm7Mx9PMyCsuE5m4e5dq

Could you try setting your app host to www.calvarytucson.com/plasmic-host/ instead (including the www)?

I will try it

Problem solved. Thank you! - Did not know that would cause an issue.

sorry it’s our bad; will make this more robust :slightly_smiling_face:

no worries. Thank you as always with your extremely quick and awesome customer support. By the way, who would I talk to so I can know if I need to upgrade to the “Basic” plan. I don’t know how many page views using the Plasmic Loader.

We’re not enforcing the page view limits yet, so… you’re good for now :stuck_out_tongue:

Sweet thank you!