Unable to use hosted app with CLI example


so ive downloaded the plasmic CLI using typescript and codegen, i have no init.js file since plasmic.lock.

Im wondering how to make hosted app work as i have tried all sorts of combinations and alwasy result in the error of page being unable to load or it telling me that “this is not a react component”

I want to add Material-ui components and any other to be used across the builder with no issues, its seems impossible to set this up. I would use the example provided for hosted app but its not in codegen

Server Error

Error: Invariant failed: Browser history needs a DOM

Are you able to get “Quickstart with an example repo” working?



i managed to eventually get it sorted, i was missing the “/” from the end of url in configuration and getting confused between app.js and plasmic-host.tsx but sorted now.

currently having issues though loading components, ive managed to make them show in the editor, but unable to customise, says something about ClassName within the props or something?
having issues making it work

also, the importpath on register component, is this the path to the file of the component itself, or more where youd like to store the component?

It is the path to the component file itself.

The warning about class name is just that your component should take a class name prop and forward it to the outermost element, otherwise there’s no way for the studio to pass styles into your component.