Urgently need help with PRICING !

Hello everyone! I am newbie.

I have read here all questions about pricing, but none of them caould answer my questions.
I need support from the team of Plasmic !
I am currently evaluating Plasmic for my web application, specifically a CRM system that will be accessed daily by users. I would appreciate some clarity on how Plasmic counts page views under its pricing plans. Specifically, are page views counted each time a user accesses for each dashboard,setting,accounting, etc of my CRM, or are they counted based on each visit to the CRM regardless of the number of pages viewed within the session? Any insights or experiences you could share would be extremely helpful, cuz’ I have to build my CRm within a month.

Thank you!

@jason might be able to help here

what’s your comment on this @jason , is the page views strictly counted or not :

I am concerning about, what if my users reach 100k or 500k within 15 days ? be honest I need flexible page view counts , that’s why I cam from Bubble’s (workflow usage) to Plasmic.

We aren’t currently enforcing any page view limits, but this could change in the future.

thank you Jason !
even if it changes in the future, I hope you guys really consider that most Bubblers really suffer from workflow limit, which is why most of us here in Plasmic.
Thank you Plasmic !