Wrong icon color when using a custom button component as slot content of a code component

Hi, when I use a custom button component as the slot content of a code component, the icon color is wrong. Using the same component as the slot content of a regular component works fine. Im not overwriting any classes from within the code component. I would be happy to share the project id for further debugging.

Hi Matthias! Does it work when you use plain Plasmic components? If so would you mind sharing the code component? Feel free to DM me

Yes it does work in plain Plasmic components. The code component is here:

import React, { forwardRef } from "react"
import { cloneElement } from "react"

import { registerComponent } from "@plasmicapp/host"
import { HTMLElementRefOf } from "@plasmicapp/react-web"
import { useButton } from "@react-aria/button"
import { FocusScope } from "@react-aria/focus"
import {
} from "@react-aria/overlays"
import { useOverlayTriggerState } from "@react-stately/overlays"
import { AriaDialogProps } from "@react-types/dialog"
import { AnimatePresence, m } from "framer-motion"

import styles from "./SideMenu.module.css"

type ModalDialogProps = OverlayProps &
  AriaDialogProps & {
    children: React.ReactElement
    // className: string
    CloseButton: React.ReactElement
    positionRight: boolean

function ModalDialog_(props: ModalDialogProps, refForPlasmic: HTMLElementRefOf<"div">) {
  let { children, positionRight } = props

  // Handle interacting outside the dialog and pressing
  // the Escape key to close the modal.
  let ref = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
  let { overlayProps, underlayProps } = useOverlay(props, ref)

  // Prevent scrolling while the modal is open, and hide content
  // outside the modal from screen readers.
  let { modalProps } = useModal()

  return (
        {...(underlayProps as any)}
        animate={{ background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09)" }}
        exit={{ background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" }}
        <FocusScope contain restoreFocus autoFocus>
            style={{ x: positionRight ? "100%" : "-100%" }}
            animate={{ x: 0, opacity: 1 }}
            exit={{ x: positionRight ? "100%" : "-100%", opacity: 0 }}
            transition={{ ease: "easeInOut" }}
            // ref={mergeRefs([refForPlasmic as React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>, ref])}
            // className={[props.className, styles.slideover]}
            {...(overlayProps as any)}

const ModalDialog = React.forwardRef(ModalDialog_)

type SideMenuProps = {
  children: React.ReactNode
  openButton: React.ReactElement<any>
  closeButton: React.ReactElement<any>
  className: string
  show: boolean
  positionRight: boolean

function SideMenu_(
    children = <div />,
    openButton = <button />,
    closeButton = <button />,
  }: SideMenuProps,
  ref: HTMLElementRefOf<"div">
) {
  let state = useOverlayTriggerState({})
  let openButtonRef = React.useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null)
  let closeButtonRef = React.useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null)

  let { buttonProps: openButtonProps } = useButton(
      onPress: () => state.open(),

  let { buttonProps: closeButtonProps } = useButton(
      onPress: () => state.close(),

  const OpenButton = cloneElement(openButton, { ...openButtonProps, ref: openButtonRef })
  const CloseButton = cloneElement(closeButton, { ...closeButtonProps, ref: closeButtonRef })

  return (
    <div ref={ref} className={className}>

        {(state.isOpen || show) && (
            // className={className}
            // ref={ref}
            {children as React.ReactElement}

const SideMenu = React.forwardRef(SideMenu_)
export default SideMenu

registerComponent(SideMenu, {
  name: "SideMenu",
  props: {
    show: "boolean",
    positionRight: "boolean",
    children: { type: "slot" },
    openButton: "slot",
    closeButton: "slot",
  isDefaultExport: true,
  importPath: "./app/core/components/headless/SideMenu",

ohh I see, the button is getting the default color of the base variant, instead of the color from green10 variant (from type variant group).

That’s because openButton element contains type: "green10" in its props, but it gets overwritten by buttonProps from react-aria, which sets type: "button" (which is not a valid variant, so it ends up getting the color from the base variant)

renaming the variant group to something else like color fixes it