What are you trying to do? (please be as specific as possible and include relevant screenshots, code snippets, and reproduction steps)
I want to add two buttons ‘Link’ and ‘Unlink’ which will allow users to establish or break a link between two entities in two separate DB tables. Because the entities are either connected or not, I want to hide one of the buttons based on the results of a query.
Note: I have selected to build separate buttons over two variants of the same component because they will run completely different interactions - one will create a new row, the other will find existing rows and update the value in column ‘status’
I was able to connect one button and have it perform well. However, I am having a problem with the second one. For some reason, it refuses to list the index ‘Mos’ defined by the element it is nested in alongside the first button.
The first button has the index I can use in code
The second doesn’t even though they are located within the same component:(
What have you tried so far? (please link relevant docs and other forum posts)
I have tried adding a prop to the Button two manually but there is no type Data available in the drop down
Relevant links:
my project Plasmic