Ant5 Select component not recognizing onChange handler.

I’m having an issue using ant5 Select component. I get an error :

"React does not recognize the `triggerClassName` prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase `triggerclassname

I have the select component nested inside another component, and it is named “addressInputSelect”. I am passing the props to the select component like this:

            props: {
              addressInputSelect: {
                props: {
                  placeholder: "Street Address",
                  value: addressCombined,
                  onChange: handleOnAddressSearch,

The placeholder and value work as expected. The only thing that doesn’t seem to be working is the onChange handler. Any suggestions?

does handleOnAddressSearch not get called at all?

not at all.

and i also tried within plasmic to set an interaction handle for the onChange event for the “addressInputSelect” component, and that interaction just ran code that did a console.log statement, and that did not get triggered either.

and i got the same error when i did that, the error about not recognizing triggerClassName

hmm, triggerClassName shouldn’t affect anything. I cannot repro locally; what’s the project?

i’ve already taken it out of my project, the workaround I am using is to just load the Ant component I want directly in my code

            props: {
              lastNameInput: {
                props: {
                  onChange: handleLastNameOnChange,
              addressInputSelect: {
                render: () => (
                    placeholder="Street Address"

I just did a render override, and stuck in the component I wanted directly from Ant. and this is working fine.

the onChange handler gets called, and I don’t get any more errors

where I load

 import { AutoComplete } from "antd";

at the beginning of my file

project id = 85ZaAJPQLdfY2M494Vj2dZ

I added the component back in, and now I am not getting the error, but the onChange handler is still not firing

            props: {
              lastNameInput: {
                props: {
                  onChange: handleLastNameOnChange,
              addressInput: {
                render: () => (
                    style={{ width: "100%" }}
                    placeholder="Street Address"
              addressInputSelect: {
                props: {
                  placeholder: "Ant test",
                  value: addressCombined,
                  onChange: handleOnAddressSearch,

the element where i do the render override works, i get the onChange handler. The one where I use the ant component within plasmic, the onChange handler is not triggered.

hmm I tried to replicate here:

and I do seem to be able to get onChange called… Could you update to latest @plasmicapp/react-web just to make sure?

I now this is an old topic, but we had the problem that our JS minifier removed the call