Antd Slider and other componets data and events

How do you suggest to access antd components data or events to work with that information.
I tried to link the component with properties or state and is not possible to update the value.

I am trying to use the studio for this, I now eventually I can do it with code.
What are you advice? Thanks in advance!

Hi, are you trying to access the value that the set on the slider? You can access that as a state. For instance, you can create a separate text element, and set its content to a dynamic value where you are picking the value of the slider.

There’s more info on this here, let me know if this helps.

@yang yes I understand that, but Antd Slider it not expose their values as state. When trying to render dynamic content in text, there is no state related with an Antd Slider.

Oh yes, you are right! We didn’t yet add the state feature to the ant slider :pensive:

We are currently focusing on building up the new ant version 5 library, which also does not have slider yet…