Antd table component not working ?

There are two table components :

  • one from and design pro components (not composable, expects an array as input)
  • one from ant design system 5 (with column and column group sub-components)

I don’t seem to be able to use the second one. I can’t manage to use the render slot. I can’t even have any column showing data
You can test it here : Plasmic

When adding column components in the children slot and setting the column key (actually mapped to the ant table dataIndex prop ) to the column name, nothing shows up.
In the render slot, we’re supposed to be able to use cell, row and index props but I don’t see how to use them

My goal would be to render the first exemple in the antd documentation :
Showing links and tags in cells.

Any help would be appreciated, I’ve been struggling with this for a couple weeks now :s