I’m not familiar with or good at using APIs or doing much at code; but for what I’m doing it would be much simplier and easier to be able to edit the tokens of the project in the code. I know when I publish the project to GitHub a plasmic-tokens.theo.json
file gets created; so if I wanted to do it and have it be out of sync/pocket with the rest; i’m sure I can. I was just hoping there’d be some way to edit it via code/editor so any changes persist within my project.
An example usecase I have for this:
I want to rename a “folder” for the tokens; since they aren’t truly folders and just a part of the name; I have to go into each one individiually and change it
I want to update my color palette with new values; the names are all going to stay the same; just a value is going to change
I had a spelling error that made its way into a hundred tokens since I copied and pasted
List item