App that lets users edit one page

Hi all, I’m building an app and I’m looking for a very specific use-case:
• users can create listings on the app (a single web page)
• I want a user to be able to edit the listing page
• the login is handled in my app
I want to allow every user to log in in my app and edit exactly 1 page. (i.e. the clikc an “edit” button and are redirected to route where they can edit and save page.
In some sense its editor whitelabeling.

I could do it with but it is ugly af :slightly_smiling_face:
Is plasmic the right tool for this use-case?

Hi @resident_monkey, yes, this type of restricted (single-page) editing as an embedding is possible as a custom enterprise package. Please DM me if you are interested in this path.