Apply a layer blur only on frame background

Showing users what they can do with effects & Applying a Layer Blur only on the background of a frame

a blur backdrop effect gave me what I wanted

I don’t really understand this one, can you elaborate?

Instead of directly expanding into this interface

you could add a plus in the collapsed state, like this:

CleanShot 2023-01-24 at 22.18.57@2x.png

and let people choose between some premade effects

like the glowing text I showed in the video

or a blur on the background


(when letting users choose between these premade effect you could also offer a (i) tooltip on hover that shows an image with an example and explains what the effect is supposed to do)

the goal is to show people some examples of what they can do with the effects tab

Ah, got it! :+1:

You should also remove this Apply dropdown menu.
And either don’t hide those two tabs or add them to the bottom.
But I think you’d want those two feature sets to be used more.
