Bread crumbs design variables

What are you trying to do? (please be as specific as possible and include relevant screenshots, code snippets, and reproduction steps)

I want to change the highlighted area of the bread crumbs ANT component. Currently only the last element is highlighted while the preceding ones are greyed out
Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 21.37.46

I would like the middle or even the first breadcrumb to be highlighted on click.
I am basically using the breadcrumbs as a minimalist tab filter.

What confuses me is that I can’t find the parameter that highlights the last bread crumb. The font settings are exactly the same as for the other bread crumbs.

What have you tried so far? (please link relevant docs and other forum posts)

I created a highlighted version of text element within each breadcrumb and set the visibility conditional to variable value. As I click on a bread crumb it updates the variable and the swaps the highlighted text to not highlighted and vise versa as required.

This feels like a clumsy and buggy implementation and I am wondering if there is a better way of doing it.

Relevant links:

You can create a component for the breadcrumb text, add a variant called selected, and toggle the selected variant using the dynamic value. Here are some screenshots of how to do this:

Thank you! Will try.