Building interactive dashboard with Supabase Auth and Vercel.

@verbal_sparrow if you’re planning on doing any new content; what I would really love is a step by step tutorial…

  1. of going from the Landing page starter,
  2. adding a page that is a dashboard page that is eventually going to be protected
  3. then publishing the code as a new github repo, with typescript and codegen
  4. from the new local code, setting up Supabase auth
  5. deploying to Vercel

i’d like to avoid using Antd; and prefer Shodcn/RadixUI/DaisyUI/Tailwind or Chakra or MUI

Nice to have would be demonstrations of how to use data that comes from Supabase as a collection into Plasmic and have it populate components like a radio group, checkbox, etc
Extremely nice to have is if the dashboard is actually a quiz like the quizmify
Bonus points for also using Refine to create new CRUD components and adding those to Supabase and then using them in Plasmic

if this is something that interests you and you have a Buy Me Coffee; I’d be happy to contribute