Cannot read properties of null error

Hey guys! My team is just trying to build a static site (no fancy code components or anything).
Here’s the project

To reproduce the bug: Just did a simple create-plasmic-app with this project, run dev server, and this is the error I see:

client.js?4d30:1 Error was not caught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'textContent')
    at Object.eval (index.js?46cb:118:58)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at asyncGeneratorStep (_async_to_generator.js?0e30:13:1)
    at _next (_async_to_generator.js?0e30:31:1)
    at eval (_async_to_generator.js?0e30:36:1)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at Object.eval (_async_to_generator.js?0e30:28:1)
    at Object._initialize (index.js?46cb:184:24)
    at Object.initialize (index.js?46cb:110:24)
    at eval (next-dev.js?3515:33:8)
    at ./node_modules/next/dist/client/next-dev.js (main.js?ts=1680808109681:236:1)
    at options.factory (webpack.js?ts=1680808109681:661:31)
    at __webpack_require__ (webpack.js?ts=1680808109681:37:33)
    at __webpack_exec__ (main.js?ts=1680808109681:1127:61)
    at main.js?ts=1680808109681:1128:37
    at webpackJsonpCallback (webpack.js?ts=1680808109681:1209:39)
    at main.js?ts=1680808109681:9:61

If we do a yarn build and serve, the same error shows up in the console, and you’ll notice that sections of the page are missing (e.g. youtube embeds, footer)

I’ve CCed @blissful_hedgehog who is the creator of the projected and the manager of our team plan (
Any help would be super helpful! Thank you!

ah it’s because the html embed element on the home page doesn’t properly close the html comment (note it should be --> but is -→ with the right-arrow unicode instead…)

Updated and publishing now. :crossed_fingers::skin-tone-3::crossed_fingers::skin-tone-3:

@chungwu The same issues are occurring after I try to publish.

I also have a different embedded form on this page:

hmm I’m still seeing the same character in the EmbedHtml element on the home page…


I’ve updated it and published

oh! it should be --> instead :slightly_smiling_face:

(with the right angle bracket instead of the arrow character)

Oh! I see the issue now.

Oh gosh . Sorry for wasting your time with this. I wonder how that ended up in there since I imagine Theresa just copied a snippet from mail chimp

I can help her fix from here


always happy to help!

That did come from MailChimp, but someone else created it and sent it to me, so maybe the platform it was sent in changed it?

Very possible the messaging app autocorrected lol

guessing a word processor is involved somewhere in the copy and pasting :sweat_smile: