After publishing my project i got this error :
Unexpected error
ForbiddenError: “” tried to get project 7nJ7UcFmq9UzB6eXfC5z4a, but their access level blocked didn’t meet required level viewer.
can someone tell me how to fix this.
After publishing my project i got this error :
Unexpected error
ForbiddenError: “” tried to get project 7nJ7UcFmq9UzB6eXfC5z4a, but their access level blocked didn’t meet required level viewer.
can someone tell me how to fix this.
Hi, we’ve pushed a fix, please let me know if you are still facing the issue and which message are you receiving?
Great! its fixed, i can access now. thanks
Hi, I’m experiencing this issue across all projects. Is there something manually I need to do to have this error resolved?
Hello @matt_jackson, were you able to access it before? Did you also previously have access to the associated organization (currently, you are not part of the organization which might explain the error)?
Hello Sarah, Yes I was able to access all of the projects before. I was previously just invited to individual projects as opposed to the whole organization. I did get added to the organization to test that way. I am now able to access some projects but not others. One thing I am noticing is the GUID in the error message does not match the GUID in the URLs of the projects I am trying to access. In fact, the error message is exactly the same for all of the projects I am unable to access and referencing the same GUID in the error message.
“ForbiddenError: tried to get project SAMEGUIDHERE, but their access level blocked didn’t meet required level viewer.”
Hello @matt_jackson Sorry for the delay in reply. Can you please share the exact error message (maybe DM the id if you prefer)?
To access a project, you now need to have access to not only that project but also all of its dependencies and be a member of the organization.
Recently, Plasmic made a change to all projects to disable Share By Link, as many users were not aware that their projects were publicly accessible. I might have had Share by Link enabled in those dependency projects and therefore was able to previously access the projects that I cannot now.
The project that I tried to access (Privacy Policy) is dependent on (Marketing), which is dependent on (New Site). I had access to the first 2 via direct project invitation, but did not have access to the third one. As a result, I could not access the first 2 either now.
All 3 projects belonged to another organization. I needed access to the organization or workspace so that I could access all of the projects and that did resolve the access level error.
I am having a similar issue with one of my projects, all forum posts from staff mention to let you guys know the error / project ID (as i do not manage the project causing the error)
ForbiddenError: @******.com tried to get project oXVrxYC89mShS9snFdmRWc, but their access level blocked didn’t meet required level viewer.
Project name: plasmic-wordpress-graphql
For future reference, is there any way I can remove project dependencies like this from my end even without being able to access the studio UI?
Hello @james_guiden, can you try opening you project now? Sorry for this issue, it shouldn’t happen again.
I am able to load the project now, thank you!
Just out of curiosity, is there a way we can manually remove a project dependency from our own projects when the studio UI is unable to load like that?
Sadly there is not, but this issue shouldn’t be possible to happen, so it’s better for you to report it to us when it happens.