Can't choose the right subscription

I’m currently wanting to select the ‘Starter Subscription’ but when I click on Upgrade the Starter option isn’t available?

Hello @avc_wise,

can you show a video/screenshot of where you’re trying to upgrade?

Hi There thanks for the reply.

Here is a screenshot it’s saying we have a current free plan but isn’t showing the option for the Starter plan?

But if I log out I can see there is a starter option of $39 a month

So just wondering why we can have the $39 dollar plan?

Hello @avc_wise,
I just checked your organization and the reason why the Starter plan is not showing is because you’re currently using 5 seats and the starter only has a maximum of 3. Can you remove some members from your organization and try again?

Many thanks for looking into this. I’ll get it sorted and we’ll get a subscription plan in place.
