Challenges accessing custom schemas via Supabase API and Plasmic Integrations

I am attempting to access the Supabase API through Plasmic integrations using the URL Despite having exposed this custom schema in Supabase, it defaults to the public schema. The response I receive is:

  1. Code: “42P01”
  2. Details: null
  3. Hint: null
  4. Message: “relation “public.app_integration.integrations” does not exist”

The API functions correctly when I include Accept-Profile = app_integration in the header. Is there a way to achieve this without needing the additional header?

That seems like a Supabase question to me.

Yes, I believe so. It used to work, and their documentation still includes it, so I assumed it wasn’t an issue with Supabase. However, I just tested it with Postman, and it’s not working anymore.

I’ll have to settle for keeping it in the headers.
