Changing a component to repeat in a Slick Slider - cannot change the orientation or styles?

Hi there Plasmic Team!
When I change a Component to repeated elements in an array I cannot change the orientation or its display style. Is there any way to make it repeat in a horizontal stack?

:rotating_light: The way to insert into a horizontal stack is changing the repetition to its wrapper container and then create another wrapper container with the horizontal orientation.

:warning: The real problem was that I was using a SlickSlider component with the Repeated Elements inside and the style was not applying.

Hey @miniature_horse! Changing orientation or display style for repeated elements should work as they work for non-repeated elements (see attached screen recording).

The real problem was that I was using a SlickSlider component with the Repeated Elements inside and the style was not applying.
I’m sorry, but using repeated elements in react-slick slider is indeed broken in studio at the moment. We’re working on that, but it should take some weeks for the fix to be deployed. In codegen / preview mode, it should be working as expected.