chart component customization

I have a problem with the chart component. I can’t change the font of the texts or the color of the charts. It was strange to me because I wanted to match it with the color theme of my app and it didn’t work. I could not change these through CSS. Is there a solution for this?

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Hi! Thanks for the feedback, you’re not missing anything, the chart component is pretty bare Bones right now. We will work to expose more customizability on it, but in the meantime if there is anything urgent, we will gladly accept patches to the component here!

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If I want to change the colors/styles in the chart, is it suggested that I register the react-chartjs library and add a custom component, or is there another way?


Yes, it’s not possible to customize the builtin chart colors. Currently you need to register your own code component if you want to be able to customize the chart components freely.

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Hi team! Just wanted to check out if this is something that has been addressed since then or not.

Is there a way to somehow set up custom css to handle it?

It would be great if it could just use the primary color from the theme.

Thanks for the update!

I don’t believe they’ve added anything to customize the builtin charts…

However, you could add some “Filter Effects”/custom CSS to adjust them (with ok results) :thinking:

Alternatively, you could add a code component with more customizable flexibility!

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