CMS Entry Field vs Text Box

Fairly new here, and playing in the sandbox …

I have not found documentation about CMS Entry Field.
Here is a shot of my first component, with data from Plasmic CMS.

I have exactly the same expression for the dynamic values in either the CMS Entry Field and the Text Box
I’m wondering what is this ‘Field unknown model’ is doing here ?
And what is the purpose of CMS Entry Field versus Text box (apparently one cannot enter anything in this entry field anyway …) ?

any clue ?

Hello @mf_de-preval.

The CMS entry field is just for easy of use. You need to select one of the fields (column) from your cms data.

For total control over the displayed data, you need to use a text element.

Ok, Thanks for your reply.
I’m at the bottom of the learning curve :slight_smile: