Code component features: new prop types, state, and style sections

<!channel> Just launched a bunch of new stuff to super charge your code components!

Now you’ll be able to:
• Expose state from your code components, so they act and feel like Plasmic-built components with state!
• Registering “class” prop type, which allows users to style inner parts of your code component, not just the root!
• Registering “array” and “object” prop types with a schema, so users can configure them via a form instead of writing a JSON blob :sweat_smile:
• Registering “rich text” and “color” prop types
• Controlling what style sections show up on the right pane for your code component
Check them out and let us know what you think! :sunglasses:

You’ll want to upgrade to the latest @plasmicapp/loader-* or @plasmicapp/react-web to be able to register these props types.

(Note that in general, to avoid duplicate dependencies, you should only have either @plasmicapp/react-web or one of @plasmicapp/loader-* in your package.json. If you’re a codegen user, you should remove @plasmicapp/host from your package.json and import from @plasmicapp/react-web/lib/host instead).

Also featuring an awesome video by @verbal_sparrow :smile:

I feel like I need a whole month learning to adapt to these new features :sweat_smile:

wow wee

can we expose color props to plasmic components? or just code?

ah good question… right now there’s no great way to make use of a color prop from a plasmic component, as styling doesn’t support dynamic expressions yet (short of using the style attribute trick)

what’s the style attribute trick?

adding an HTMLAttribute for style, and using dynamic expression that evaluates to a React.CSSProperties object

Chung Wu is the true hacker :trophy:


(Note that in general, to avoid duplicate dependencies, you should only have either @plasmicapp/react-web or one of @plasmicapp/loader-* in your package.json. If you’re a codegen user, you should remove @plasmicapp/host from your package.json and import from @plasmicapp/react-web/lib/host instead).
Our codebase uses both codegen and code components… What should we import?

you should use @plasmicapp/react-web. Everything you used to import from @plasmicapp/host can be imported from @plasmicapp/react-web/lib/host

@chungwu where do we now find updated import paths?
I.e. import { PlasmicCanvasHost } from '@plasmicapp/loader-react'; no longer works, and replacing it with the react-web or react-web/list/host does not work…

hmm it should be import { PlasmicCanvasHost } from '@plasmicapp/react-web/lib/host'; what version of react-web do you have?

@plasmicapp/data-sources-context”: “^0.1.7”,
@plasmicapp/react-web”: “^0.2.180”,
@plasmicpkgs/plasmic-basic-components”: “^0.0.128”,

├── @plasmicapp/cli@0.1.215
├── @plasmicapp/data-sources-context@0.1.7
├── @plasmicapp/react-web@0.2.180
├── @plasmicpkgs/plasmic-basic-components@0.0.128

export ‘initPlasmicLoader’ (imported as ‘initPlasmicLoader’) was not found in ‘@plasmicapp/react-web/lib/host’ (possible exports: DataContext, DataCtxReader, DataProvider, GlobalActionsContext, GlobalActionsProvider, PageParamsProvider, PlasmicCanvasContext, PlasmicCanvasHost, applySelector, mkMetaName, mkMetaValue, registerComponent, registerGlobalContext, registerToken, registerTrait, repeatedElement, unstable_registerFetcher, useDataEnv, useGlobalActions, usePlasmicCanvasContext, useSelector, useSelectors)

hmm you’re using codegen right? you shouldn’t need initPlasmicLoader

I am using both :slightly_smiling_face:

I export using codegen and then use them as part of code-components that I host back into plasmic :slightly_smiling_face:

@rear_vole that is de way :smirk: