🚀 Community Workshops — We Need Your Feedback!

We’re considering hosting recurring workshops to help you get the most out of Plasmic! These workshops would be focused on:

  • Showcasing new features
  • Reviewing common use cases that go beyond what’s covered in the docs
  • Building popular app types together, live, using Plasmic!

Before we move forward, we want to hear from you!

  • Would you find these workshops valuable?
  • What topics or features would you like us to cover?
  • Is there anything specific you’d want to learn or see demonstrated live?

Any input is welcome, so please drop your suggestions and comments below!
We want these workshops to be as useful and relevant as possible to the community.

  • Registering custom components
  • Creating the Twitter app from the video
  • How to best leverage the AI features
  • Assume we know nothing about JavaScript, React & Next and dumb down explanations of things like props, variants, divs, etc to the point where we are about to possibly write code
  • Setting up Strapi and Plasmic together
  • Setting up auth with Supabase with both codegen and loader
  • Using Plasmic for responsive web so things like the font automatically changing depending on the box it’s in so it doesn’t overflow, things doing some effect when the mouse hovers over and leaves, the menu bar transitions when scrolled down, etc
  • Using GlobalVariant in code to use a toggle button to go to dark mode
  • Setting different auth permissions so that only some options on the page are visible to a certain user like an admin
  • using Plasmic like MDX so you could edit content by just updating a git file
  • integrating HubSpot with Plasmic so that when someone visits a website and fills in a contact firm, it creates a new user in HubSpot

Ideally these could ask be recorded as well


  • Show how to integrate PostHog to an app created from Plasmic


  • Having a video with the new Text Field component showing how to create a form and validating an email using the regex woul be awesome.

thanks, that is extremely useful! We already had some of the items from this list on our minds as well :slight_smile:

sign me in :slight_smile:

  1. Yes, workshops would be very very valuable! Can you do these often? Maybe even weekly? Save the workshops as videos and post them on YouTube → it would also serve as great marketing material.
  2. More workshops directed at designers: Since the goal of Plasmic is to empower designers, I think workshops targeting designers would be helpful. Currently it seems Plasmic is heavily focused on technical people.
  3. Figma to Plasmic plugin, demonstrating an example live. This includes building the Figma component, registering the equivalent React component and applying the Figma to Plasmic plugin.
  4. Setting up authentication with App router
  5. Permissions: Specifically, we currently need to know how to translate the roles we have in our databases to the same roles in Plasmic. e.g Lets say a customer is registered with the role of customer in our database, how do we translate this so the user is recognized as a customer in the currentUser object?

We plan to make them recurring, possibly monthly. And save them on Youtube for future reference.
And yeah, great suggestion regarding designer workshops! We believe it is a great idea - to have workshops with different guests from our team, both designers and developers, to educate our community from different angles.


It sounds like a great idea! :slight_smile:

This would probably be a really good 101 kind of demo/workshop