Component not found on page

I am trying to register a custom component.

So far I was able to make it show up in plasmic studio, but once I publish it my code (project created via CLI / codegen), I see this error:

Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it’s defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.

Check the render method of PlasmicHomepage.

I guess the issue is that I need to register it on every page where I use it.
The documentation says:

You must provide your registration calls ahead of wherever they will be needed, which includes two places:

  • The <PlasmicHost/> (/plasmic-host) page, for Plasmic Studio.
  • Wherever <PlasmicComponent/> is rendered, for your final pages.

This is why we typically conventionally place them in plasmic-init.ts, and import this into both types of locations.

I can’t find the file plasmic-init.ts though.

Further down it says

Typically you should perform your registerations in your plasmic-host.tsx page.

… that’s what I tried:

import NextImage from "../components/NextImage"; 

registerComponent(NextImage, {
  name: "NextImage",
  props: {
    src: "imageUrl",
    alt: "string",
    width: "number",
    height: "number",
    sizes: "string",
    fill: "boolean",
    priority: "boolean",
  importPath: "./components/NextImage"

My NextImage looks like that:

// components/NextImage.tsx
import Image, { ImageProps } from "next/image";
import React from "react";

const NextImage = ({ src, alt, }: ImageProps) => {
  return <Image alt={alt} src={src} {} />;

export default NextImage;

Any suggestion on how I can resolve that error?
Do I need to actually import the component on every single page or can I somehow automate that, so that a designer can create pages / use custom components, without the need of adding import statements to each page.


any idea? Still struggling here… Thanks!

Depending on how you set your project up, it may be plasmic-init.js. If you don’t have that file, then I’m guessing you’re hard coding the init in each plasmic page?

Anyway, I came to the forums because I was having a similar issue. My problem was that I wasn’t including rendering of the PLASMIC global before I rendered PlasmicCanvasHost in plasmic-host.tsx. This worked for me:

import { PlasmicCanvasHost } from "@plasmicapp/loader-react";
import React from "react";
import { PLASMIC } from "../plasmic-init";

export default function PlasmicHostRoute() {
  return PLASMIC && <PlasmicCanvasHost />;

Hi @clemens_vie, in this case I think you need to add isDefaultExport: true. By default, we assume the component is a named export, but looks like you are only exporting default.

Docs: Code components API reference | Learn Plasmic

Note you are using codegen, not loader API, which is why there is no plasmic-init.ts.

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Thanks a lot, the solution was to simply remove “export default NextImage;” from the component.

Just to clarify, you removed export default NextImage but also added export const NextImage = ...?

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That’s how I did it:


import * as React from 'react';
import { PlasmicCanvasHost, registerComponent } from '@plasmicapp/react-web/lib/host';
import Image, { ImageProps } from "next/image";

import { NextImage } from "../components/NextImage";

registerComponent(NextImage, {
  name: "NextImage",
  props: {
    src: "imageUrl",
    alt: "string",
    width: "number",
    height: "number",
    sizes: "string",
    fill: "boolean",
    priority: "boolean",
  importPath: "./components/NextImage",
  importName: "NextImage"  // Explicitly specifying the named export

// Default export required by Next.js for pages
export default function PlasmicHost() {
  return <PlasmicCanvasHost />;


import Image, { ImageProps } from "next/image";
import React from "react";

export const NextImage = ({ src, alt, }: ImageProps) => {
  return <Image alt={alt} src={src} {} />;