Contentful Field Component dynamic value issue

Hey there,

I am using the contentful fetcher and field components in plasmic. However, I am running into issues with dynamic values. If I use a value from contentful without dynamic selection, I get the intended value

Here is an example of openTimeText being selected and displaying properly. However, selecting the same field through Dynamic values says the field is not valid, even though my value pops up in the sample window.

I am trying to use “Switch to code” so I can format these values to say
11AM or 1AM for example. I have the JS to do this, but even just selecting the field does not work with the auto-gen code (the value below was generated by the data picker)

is this a bug or am I misunderstanding how to do this?

Hello @anthony_schanen.

The Contentful Field component only reads directly from the field with the given name. If you want more control, please change to a Text element or any other basic element with dynamic value instead.

4 posts were split to a new topic: parseInt not working