Custom font not working within studio

Hello, I am a Product design student with little experience with react JS. I designed my portfolio on Plasmic and I would like to use a specific font that is on my computer, I am having several problems :

  • I don’t manage to put the right font when I try to add it in the _custom fon_t section of Plasmic Studio. Is there a specific way to write it ?
    I attached a screenshot of what happens when I enter the name of my font in the custom font section of Plasmic Studio (I have allready tried a bunch of different names)

  • I created a next.js app linked to my plasmic project but I don’t know how to set my specific font as the default one and so it overrides the the fonts that I have defined in my tokens.

  • when I will have figured out the first two points, what will I have to do so that my specific fonts is displayed on the browsers of the visitors of my website

Thank you for your help :slightly_smiling_face: