Customer appreciation for Plasmic's helpful resources for beginners

Hey. I just wanted to say I have never coded anything other then HTML. I just started in Plasmic last week and almost have fully deployed React web app. I can’t thank you lads enough for having good docs, videos, your guides etc. Someone like me who has always wanted to develop and app but lacked the code skills required can make something unique. I look forward to improving my app and pushing myself to grow with your tools. Thanks

Hi, thanks for the feedback, we think we still have a long way to go and improve in our docs, but glad that it was already helpful to you. Feel free to share your application in showcase if you want.

It actually took me longer to set up a good hosting path and knock out a few bugs/issues then it did to build it.

The troubleshooting and testing is very time consuming and I can’t even imagine testing with just code. Kudos to you lads for building a set of tools to go around that.

Some things that could be really helpful is being able to copy pages from one project to another with full editability. I tried saving as component and importing but it was remaining as a component. Probably good for lots of things and I had a bad usecase.

I literally only have coded in HTML before so the flow and order of operations was the hardest part for me to pickup and after a few days of learning curve and watching all the videos. I will share my app once I am proud of its completion and I look forward to expanding it with improves.