Are there any ways to get the debounce logic in the put ? I have a textbox that’s linked to a component that accepts the text as a props and will call an API every time the props change.
The behavior I want is set the “searchValue” state variable after 500ms of typing in the Input basically
To store the debounced value of the TextInput in $state.searchValue, you can:
- Create a new state variable called timerId
- In TextInput’s onChange interaction, add a Run code action, and use the code below:
$state.timerId = setTimeout(() => {
$state.searchValue = val;
}, 1000)
The searchValue will be denounced by 1000ms.
I made this change but yes that seems to work!
$state.timerId = setTimeout(() => {
$state.searchValue = event.target.value;
}, 1000)
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