Design Tool parity (penpot, Figma, etc) related to interaction variants selection

I don’t have much or any experience with PenPot or Figma; I’ve just gone staright to Plasmic. But One of the things that I’ve noticed with how a lot of the designs are with these tools and they’ll demo each and ever state of each and every component. Personally, I like the way that Plasmic does it with the Play button; but I think having the ability of seeing what the component might look like when it is hovered over or pressed is an essential gap that should be filled.

It is easily done inside the component; but if you have a component on an artboard or if you’re doing some designing and you want to freeze the state of the component to see what it’d look like at that point of the interaction; its nearly impossible. Also, sometimes, most times; if you’ve imported a component, then the component doesn’t have its own design file; so you’re kind of blind what each of the interaction states are of that component.