Determining the version of currently running

Hi, I am really interested in Plasmic as an open source project. I have tried installed the platform via Docker(I know unmaintained:grimacing:) and will try Mac install soon.
but I was wondering as I try the site is there is way for me to tell version tag(I don’t see releases) the site is running.

I am interested in trying to figure out how parts of it work but I am not sure how different the code running the site is from the latest code on

Related to this, I am not sure if I should make github issues if I find problems or have suggestions since latest code might have fixed problems I see, if the is running an older version

If I find issues should just post to issues or make github issues too?

sorry I don’t think you can figure out the commit hash of the deployed Plasmic version at the moment… our repo has some additional things that would change the hash, and wouldn’t match up with the public repo

@chungwu ok thanks for the info.

Do you know the general timeframe though that it updates from the source code?

Like is likely 3 months, 3 days, or 3 hours behind? Or I guess it could be ahead.

Just trying to figure out if makes any sense for me to look at []( and try find the generally functionality in the repo(if not exact) or not.

ah; thanks for asking; my partner had a similar question recently

We deploy continuously, so once you see a merged PR, the production site usually picks it up in about an hour

ok thanks for the info. Yeah I thought I saw changes in last day.

yep I saw this problem yesterday and saw it was fixed today