Disabling or replacing Plasmic's loading bubble

Hey everyone! I decided to ditch wordpress for my personal site and tryout plasmic. I launched the new site last week :party:
Quick question. Is there a way to disable the “loading” bubble at the top of pages? or replace it with a thin loading bar at the top of the window?
I made a video of the little loading bubble. https://tella.video/my-video-efj0

Hi, you can disable it in the settings in the left tab

Nice website @cautious_earwig - great to see something so sleek & professional built in Plasmic.

May I ask what you’re using for your contact form and how it integrated with Plasmic?

Thanks @definitive_ermine! I made a custom form component so I could control the design and flow. When the user hits submit, data is sent to supabase and my CRM (brevo).

Very nice! Thanks for the info!