Early user of Plasmic here available for work

@querulous_bovid I may be open to working with you. I’m one of the earliest users of plasmic. Our landing page (https://breadcrumb.so/) is in Plasmic as well as our entire web application: http://g.recordit.co/bLpipgBpMr.gif

Hello @eastern_macaw! Awesome work, I like what you’ve shown us :slightly_smiling_face:
Have you done both the design and the integration on Plasmic? (maybe you’ve designed it directly in Plasmic?)

I looks so clean, like it!

Hey @querulous_bovid, mostly plasmic integration. My partner leads design. The workflow we’ve been using is to iterate on concepts in figma and then implement in Plasmic.

I’ve also handled much of the React integration

@eastern_macaw Were you importing some design parts directly from Figma or you found it easier to recreate them directly on Plasmic?

For us it has been easier to recreate in Plasmic. Since we built out our own component library divided into global elements, components, and pages, new designs can usually be built on top of what we’ve already made.

hi @eastern_macaw We did our first steps in plasmic but struggle with a clean finish. Would you be able to help us for 1 day or two? Thanks