Error Encountered While Loading Project

I am encountering an error consistently while attempting to load the project in Visual Studio Code. Consequently, I am unable to proceed with any tasks, as I am unable to locate the source of this (outdated) ID.

▲ Next.js 14.1.4

✓ Ready in 1354ms
○ Compiling /[[…catchall]] …
✓ Compiled /[[…catchall]] in 1010ms (343 modules)
Subscribing to Plasmic changes…
Plasmic: performing a fresh fetch…
⨯ Error: Error encountered while fetching loader data: Project with ID eAcQt1yXzpyBsw2jvYPrwY not found
at Api. (…/node_modules/@plasmicapp/loader-fetcher/dist/index.js:139:17)
at ()
at fulfilled (…/node_modules/@plasmicapp/loader-fetcher/dist/index.js:50:24)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
type: ‘Error’,
page: ‘/_next/static/webpack/’

I utilized the built-in GUI to push the project to Github and then utilized VSC to pull the code onto my computer. Initially, I suspected it might be a local issue on my computer. Therefore, I replicated the same process on my laptop, where I hadn’t engaged in any Plasmic-related activities before, only to encounter the identical error.

I also tested with another project, and it worked fine. Therefore, it seems that the issue is specific to this particular project.

Could someone kindly advise me on the possible cause of this issue? Moreover, how can I locate and delete this outdated ID when executing npm run dev?

Relevant links:

Thank you!

I duplicated the project, changed its name, and published it as a new repository on GitHub. However, the same problem persists.

@support I suspect that the old ID is nested somewhere in the code, causing it to attempt to connect to the previous project. Could you please take a look? :pray:

Have you tried searching for that ID through your code? It’s probably in your plasmic-init.tsx file.

@jason I have. In that file, I have the ID of my current project. I even thought that maybe it wasn’t using that code and or token, but if I add something behind it, the error code is that my id or token is wrong. And if I add back my current id back, I get back the error in the first post. For some reason, my current ID redirects to the old ID. Is it maybe because my current project is a duplicate of an old project I deleted?

Can DM me your entire project so I can check out the code?

@jason I have send you a message. Thank you!

Ah I found the problem. Your project is still importing a deleted project. Go to “imported projects” to delete it.

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@jason. Thank you!

The funny thing is that I had also looked into it but couldn’t find the ID. I had even deleted the relevant project… but apparently, I hadn’t restarted the server, so the deletion wasn’t reflected in my local server. I ended up restoring the project using Ctrl+Z.

However, after you pointed it out, I deleted it, republished on Github, restarted the server, and did a refresh. And it works!

Thanks again! :pray:

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