error on GitHub sync - Plasmic error: Internal Server Error

What are you trying to do? (please be as specific as possible and include relevant screenshots, code snippets)
Attempting to publish changes and sync to GitHub. The GitHub Action fails with

Plasmic error: Internal Server ErrorError: Internal Server Error
    at (/home/runner/work/website/website/node_modules/@plasmicapp/cli/dist/index.js:502214:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async PlasmicApi.projectComponents (/home/runner/work/website/website/node_modules/@plasmicapp/cli/dist/index.js:502100:20)
    at async syncProject (/home/runner/work/website/website/node_modules/@plasmicapp/cli/dist/index.js:504828:25)
    at async doSync (/home/runner/work/website/website/node_modules/@plasmicapp/cli/dist/index.js:504657:7)
    at async withBufferedFs (/home/runner/work/website/website/node_modules/@plasmicapp/cli/dist/index.js:501565:5)
    at async sync (/home/runner/work/website/website/node_modules/@plasmicapp/cli/dist/index.js:504712:5)

What are the reproduction steps?

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Thank you for reporting. Our team will be investigating it soon.

Hello @ryan, sorry for the delay, but can you confirm if you are still facing this issue when attempting to publish?

We got past the issue, thanks for checking! We were able to isolate the failure to a modal component, which we removed and rebuilt to resolve the issue.

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