Experiencing Slow projects

I’m curious if there is a reason why these particular projects are extremely slow and finicky

Slow projects:

hmm, just got this error on the Starter Project

This error shows up in the Desktop UI Kit a lot when I open the project; but not sure whats causing it

I believe the slowness may be caused by the amount of rendering happening in the Container component.

Can you try using the focus mode by pressing M and seeing if the issue persists?

Thank you!!! That helps fully.

I’m curious, what is happening on the underlying system to make it better in the Interactive View vs the Design View?

Mainly design view shows you all variants at the same time in separate artboards, whereas focus mode only shows one artboard at a time.

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Gotcha, so the many displays is what was causing the slowdown

Is there a certain number of variants that causes it to become sluggish so I can plan around it

The sluggishness should be proportional to (# of artboards) * (complexity of each artboard), so it depends on the component and how complex it is.

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@jason I’m curious, if I use the container component in my project a lot, will that bloat the project if I publish it as codegen.

I’m curious if there will be an overall performance hit if I use container vs the typical stack; and if so, how much.

If there isn’t much of a cost then I’ll use it frequently, whereas if there is, I’ll use it sparringly.

It depends on the complexity of your container, so I couldn’t say.

this is the container component project

I have imported and duplicated it within the Desktop UI Theme project and replaced some tokens from the Container project with the tokens from within the Desktop UI Theme project

and then I have imported the Desktop UI Theme project into my Desktop Starter project and use the Container component within it