GlobalContextProvider not working with Plasmic Embed CSS component

Are you guys actively working on in issue with the GlobalContextProvider and Plasmic-Embed-CSS?

When I ran a yarn plasmic sync the path for globalContextFilePath is null in plasmic.json :

"indirect": false,
      "globalContextsFilePath": ""

In addition, the Project Settings sprocket is missing from Plasmic Studio, in which to access the Plasmic-Embed-CSS.

Here is the output after running a plasmic sync.

PS C:\LottieShop\Code\LottieShopcom> yarn plasmic sync     
yarn run v1.22.10
$ C:\LottieShop\Code\LottieShopcom\node_modules\.bin\plasmic sync
? File C:/LottieShop/Code/LottieShopcom/components/plasmic/plasmic_embed_css/PlasmicGlobalContextsProvider.tsx not found. Do you want to recreate it? Yes
Project 'plasmic-embed-css'@2.0.0 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")     
Project 'react-awesome-reveal'@2.1.2 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")  
Project 'plasmic-basic-components'@2.2.1 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")
Project 'antd'@1.1.1 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")
Project 'lottie-react'@0.0.2 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")
Updating project '[](' to latest
Fixing import statements...
plasmic/plasmic_embed_css/PlasmicGlobalContextsProvider.tsx is missing. If you deleted this component, remember to remove the component from plasmic.json
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise 
which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:/LottieShop/Code/LottieShopcom/components/plasmic/plasmic_embed_css/PlasmicGlobalContextsProvider.tsx'
    at Object.openSync (node:fs:585:3)
    at Object.readFileSync (node:fs:453:35)
    at Object.readFileText (C:\LottieShop\Code\LottieShopcom\node_modules\@plasmicapp\cli\dist\utils\file-utils.js:317:25)
    at C:\LottieShop\Code\LottieShopcom\node_modules\@plasmicapp\cli\dist\utils\code-utils.js:480:44
    at (<anonymous>)
    at C:\LottieShop\Code\LottieShopcom\node_modules\@plasmicapp\cli\dist\utils\code-utils.js:27:71
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (C:\LottieShop\Code\LottieShopcom\node_modules\@plasmicapp\cli\dist\utils\code-utils.js:23:12)       
    at fixGlobalContextImportStatements (C:\LottieShop\Code\LottieShopcom\node_modules\@plasmicapp\cli\dist\utils\code-utils.js:473:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\LottieShop\Code\LottieShopcom\node_modules\@plasmicapp\cli\dist\utils\code-utils.js:356:9)

Problem solved from manually pasting file here plasmic_embed_css/PlasmicGlobalContextsProvider

This is partially solved. Our Project Settings sprocket is still missing from the Studio, and we’re receiving this message:

Any thoughts @chungwu?

should be fixed!