Grouping Components together

If we could have a feature that would help organize our components, that would be really helpful

Like in a folder we keep all relative components there

that exists now :slight_smile:

To create folders and nest components, just rename your components using the / separator. For example, naming a component “Folder/ComponentName” will place it inside the “Folder”.

Hi @alyssa_feola ,

Thank you for your reply! Do you mean like this?

Because I’m not seeing the folders :smiling_face_with_tear:

add in a space and it should work

“Common / Vertical Content Container”

“Common / Work Link”

It’s not working unfortunately

I think I’m on the latest version, can you provide me with a screenshot of how it’s supposed to look like?

Hi, the grouping is only available in the left sidebar view, we are still making improvements and expanding the support for groups of elements.

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My ideal for how grouping would work in the drop down menu is how the Select component looks that it has the Select as the Main and then Option, Option Group and Overlay as indented.

I understand that they way the component tree works is that it wouldn’t be the same since the folder structure is different and the grouping wouldn’t be a clickable item … so i’d think they’d be greyed out/disabled in that case

but overall; just seeing the last item name and not the whole path would be an improvement

@alyssa_feola @fmota

Thank you!

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