Having issues with a component

We are having a bit strange issue with one of our components. We have a component that has a text element which colour is set to red. For some reason the text is rendered in black when the page is accessed directly (loading the specific url or by doing a hard refresh) and rendered correctly in red when navigated from some other page or by doing a normal refresh. It seems that in those cases when the component is failing, the text is being wrapped with a div containing lots of plasmic default classes (e.g. plasmic_default__all, plasmic_default__div, root_reset_jyuFB4vPjFSLgYda8t4YQ4 etc.) and in those cases when the component is working properly, the wrapper div only has classes that refer to the particular slot (__wab_slot and ProductCardWithPrice__slotTargetSlot3__efb7Y). Any ideas what could be causing this? Our project id is: jyuFB4vPjFSLgYda8t4YQ4

Hi Sakari, could you share more details of your deployment, where you can see this issue happening, which framework are you using ? feel free to dm me if necessary

Hi! We are using Gatsby for generating the html, Gitlab CI for building and deploying and S3 & CloudFront for serving our website. We can see this issue in our production website and when the site is built locally and served using gatsby serve . The issue can’t be reproduced when running the site locally using gatsby develop or in the Plasmic preview.