How to actually edit Accordion panel content?

A silly question, but Antd collapsible panel (accordion), how do I actually edit the accordion content? There doesnt seem to be a way to expand the panel to see the content.

Hello @colorful_tiger. First, set the key prop on your Collapse Panels. Then, you’ll be able to active it in the Collapse activeKey prop.

:pray: thank you

Thanks for asking this Chirs, I was having the same issue. Another question for @icaro, is there a way of using content from the CMS in the collapse panels?

Yes. After you open the panel, you can add any component inside of it, even CMS components

Thanks for asking this Chirs, I was having the same issue. Another question for @icaro, is there a way of using content from the CMS in the collapse panels?

Yes. After you open the panel, you can add any component inside of it, even CMS components

got it! thanks! hope I can do the same with selects

How do we ensure that the accordion opens when clicking the entire header area? Right now I have added text within the accordion header but it opens only when clicking on the text, not on the empty area around it or even the collapse/expand arrow.

There is option in the accordation expand Icon position.