How to bind dynamic variable to the background color ?

In a repeated element fetched from a REST API , I want to use the hexadecimal color code from the data fetched in the background color of the item.

Any idea ?

I tried with the embed HTML component, but can’t find a way to retrieve $props inside it :

let id = $props.orientationId;
let color = $props.orientation.color;
$('#cardOrientation-'+id+' .cardOrientation-heading').css('background-color', color);
$('#cardOrientation-'+id+' .cardOrientation-relatedMesures').css('color', color);

Hello @vincent_wasteels, welcome to the community.

There’s no way to set a dynamic value for a background color right now. Your workaround using Embed HTML should work. Can you share your project link?

Ok , do you know if it is in the roadmap ?

The link to the project :

it throws an js error once published, $props is not defined

Thank you!

You can add a style attribute and set a dynamic value on it that uses $props. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the node you want to style in the outline tab.
  2. In the Settings tab on the right, find the “HTML attributes” section. Click on the + button next to it and find the “style” attribute.

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 4.04.49 PM

  1. Set a dynamic value on the style attribute:

Use the following code:

  backgroundColor: $props.orientation.color

Here’s the output:

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@sarah_ahmed thanks a lot, this is exactly what I was looking for :slight_smile: